Baby Bloomers Urban Farm
*Closed for the season, stay tuned for reopening updates
Food insecurity reduces life expectancy and is a major health risk in some of Washington DC’s poorest neighborhoods. NCC’s Baby Bloomers Urban Farm & Fruit Orchard was founded in 2017 with the goal of providing access to healthy food options and nutrition education to the children and familes of wards 7 and 8. NCC strives to provide resources and options to children and families, and the farm provides healthy food alternatives for families by educating them through Engagement, Education, and Empowerment (the 3E approach).

The farm provides the opportunity for families to take an active role in the nurturing of fruits and vegetables. Through engagement, volunteers learn from professionals how to properly garden and raise fresh produce.

Baby Bloomers teaches children to garden, introduces farming in an urban environment and demonstrates the most effective approach to environmental sustainability.

The farm offers alternatives and options for families to create healthy eating lifestyles at home. Through the Baby Bloomers Farm we are combating the compounding negative health effects of poor food options while promoting a farm-to-table eating lifestyle. NCC hosts classroom training, cooking demonstrations, meetings, and community-based social events to enhance nutritional literacy and the benefits of physical activity for the entire family.

Introducing our Baby Buzzers!
Honey bees are a crucial part of the ecosystem; helping to pollinate flowers and vegetables. The Baby Buzzers help to increase the production of fruits and vegetables which ensures an adequate supply for the families we serve and the surrounding community.

Farmers Market:
*Closed for the season, stay tuned for reopening updates
Every Wednesday from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, the Baby Bloomers Urban Farm & Fruit Orchard will host a Farmers Market in the parking lot in front of the Urban Farm. All produce is grown in the Baby Bloomers Urban farm & Fruit Orchard.
We accept cash and credit cards.
*no market during rainy days/inclement weather.